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Setúbal - Grândola
Super Pearls Deal
Plot of land with an area of 2055m2, for construction of house with 400m2 of implantation area above ground and another floor in basement in Soltroia.

Located about 50m from the beach.

One the tourist area of excellence on the Alentejo Coast.

Bank Financing:
Habita is a partner of several financial entities enabling all its customers free simulations of Housing Credit.

The Peninsula of Troy is a sandy restinga with more than 25 km long and 0.5 to 1.5 km wide, on the coast of the parish of Carvalhal, in the municipality of Grândola, between the Atlantic Ocean (to the west) and the estuary of the River Sado (to the east). The peninsula has formed in the last 5000 years from south to north, from Comporta to Troy in front of the city of Setúbal. Find in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area sub-region.

In the northern part of the peninsula you can visit the Roman ruins of Troy of a vast fish salting complex, which remained in operation between the 1st and 6th centuries. Two river terminals ensure the shortest connection to the city of Setúbal: Cais Sul (ferries) and Ponta do Adoxe (catamarans).

The coastal landscape is characterized by a low coast with a continuous sandy beach, sometimes consisting of reddish sediments of recent sandy escarpments.

Main attractions:
The Trojan peninsula is full of attractions worth visiting by all. Here you can find a casino, several hotels, some restaurants and white sandy beaches. Additionally, on the Peninsula of Troy you can also find the Roman Ruins and the Palaphytic Port of Carrasqueira.

Beaches in Troy:
The beaches in Troy are a very busy place during the summer months, notably at the weekend. On these beaches you can find a walkway that connects the beaches to the areas of the marina, protecting the vulnerability of the dunes.

Trojan Marina:
The Trojan Marina allows you to board a boat and sail the spectacular sea while watching the dolphins and the natural beauty of this area.

Roman ruins:
The Roman Ruins of Troy are a place that was occupied until the 6th century. Nowadays it is possible to observe the ruins of the thermal baths that had areas for hot and cold baths, the houses with 2 floors and the cemetery with various types of graves.

Palaphytic Port:
The Palaphytic Port is a unique place that was built in the 20th century.
Stato Commerciale
790 000 €
Tipo di Affari
Tipo di Proprietà
Assegnazione di Case
In Sviluppo
Certificato Energetico
Certificato Energetico
Area Utile
400 m²
Area Lorda
400 m²


Green Spaces
AMI: 278 / M2
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